There's so much going on right now, its the end of my Junior year in high school and the clocks ticking down to my future. 314 Days from now I will be of age and able to be officially called an adult. Lately, I've been a little scared of college. Just the loans and price of college is enough to make me have heart palpitations.
So I have decided to put my Pinterest and Youtube searches to work and make my self happy again with the decision to go to college.
If there are any of you out there who go to the schools listed below please tell me your experiences! I could really use them right now honestly.
University of Central Florida
Area: Orlando, FL.
Tuition: $6,368
Location is about an hour away from where I live and is in the city which I lived almost my whole life until about 2 years ago.
I have always loved this campus, its gotten a lot bigger of the past 5 years which is crazy!
I also will have in state tuition and automatic enrollment into any Florida College when I complete my AA from a Community College/ State College, so that may be of use.
University of Central Los Angeles
Area: Los Angeles, CA. (5 miles from the Pacific Coast)
Tuition: $35,631
*Private not for profit college
I absolutely love the look of the campus and the school spirit is crazy amazing.
Something I worry about with moving across the country is the price, but if I want to be happy and experience something new in a new location, the cost shouldn't make it not an option. Besides who wouldn't want to live in L.A, i'm just saying.
University of Southern California
Area: Los Angeles, CA
Tuition: Out Of State $47,562
I recently saw this school on someones Youtube video and the campus (@Katherout check out her channel, she has a lot of cool things to say about college life and experiences! Links right here : Katherouttings & Katherout)
I love Southern California, I honestly would never regret going back and living there because everything seems so perfect, when I went to San Diego 2 Spring Breaks ago I fell in love with it more than what I expected.
But since the school is still located in Los Angeles I am assuming the weather and vibes from the area are almost the same.
So those are my Top 3 College choices for the moment that I will choose from after I complete my AA, which should take about another year since I have 30/60 credit hours completed already ! *Throws hands in the air* Thank the lord for Dual Enrollment!
Comment if you go to one of these schools and recommend or if there are any other colleges I should look at! (:
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